Any competition films shall be provided with:

  • one filled-in application per each film
  • film in a HD digital format (mp4, mov, mxf) with sufficient bitrate (at least 15Mb/sec for mp4)
  • Send us the link for downloading your movie to e-mail: or upload movie with Filmfreeway

    – for projection we prefer DCP format (2K/4K, 24 fps, 5.1).
    – a dialogue sheet with timecodes in English if the film is in another language than Czech or Slovak
    – pictures from the film shooting – is not required, but maybe supplied to be used for broader promotion of the film
    – other information (a portrait of the author, his/her biography, promotion material) – is not required, but maybe supplied to be used for broader promotion of the filmThe Pre-selection committee, witch is the advisory body of the Festival Director selects the films for the competition and divides them into particular categories. The festival reserves the right to accept and invite also out-of-competition films of an extraordinary value for the retrospective or informative block.The competition films will be evaluated by the International Jury appointed by the Festival Director. The decision of the Jury is final.All films with accompanying materials can be used for a promotion of the festival. They will not be used for commercial purposes.

    Competition films will be projected for the public in the theatres designated by the organizer

    A duly filled-in application will be considered as consent of the applicant to the conditions set in the festival statutes.

    The festival organizer reserves the right to change the program scheme.


    Reasons of non-accepted films

  • films of a bad technical or artistic quality
  • promotion films that do not comply with the festival regulations
  • films of the International Jury members

Applicants shall pay the postage and insurance of shipment of competition films.
All films shall be registered and delivered by 10th July of the current year in which the festival is being held
All films with accompanying materials can be used for a promotion of festival. They will not be used for commercial purposes.
Competition films will be projected for the public in the theatres designated by the organizer
A duly filled-in application will be considered as consent of the applicant to the conditions set in the festival statutes.
The festival organizer reserves the right to change the program scheme.